Heyo! In many ways I am your average millennial, working the 9 to 5 grind in a large corporate company but I spend all my free time and money trying to travel to as many places as possible to take in all the sights, food and culture. I’ve been unbelievably blessed with opportunities to travel the world since I was a child and it has shaped who I am, how I think, where I see myself going in life, what I dream of and why I live.
However, not unlike many of my peers, I don’t have the time, resources, or luxury to quit my job and travel the world full time. So I wanted to create a space where I could share how I maximize my time, money and energy in hopes that it can aid and inspire others to explore this beautiful world we live in.
If you have any questions, want to collaborate, or just to say hi, email me at: livingoutsidethe9to5@gmail.com